>>>>> Fell (F) wrote:
>F> Kindly people -
>F> After successfully installing the latest macsyma on redhat 9.2, due
>F> entirely to the excellent instructions sent to me by Robert Dodier (many
>F> thanks again), I am ready to install on my mac here at school on which I
>F> have the latest os x, tiger.
>F> I suspect that I should install some lisp first and then the maxima source
>F> code and follow the instructions. But, what lisp. And a question out of
>F> curiosity. Once a lisp is installed, how does maxima know where to look
>F> for it in my directory tree?
Clisp would be the best IMHO. I installed clisp with darwinports, but I
gues you can as well use fink, or compile yourself from source.
GCL is much faster but it fails on test14, basically because it crashes
with some of the numerical calculations.
I have also tried OpenMCL but it did not work. SBCL seems to work too.
You can have maxima with different lisps installed at the same time, and
run e.g. maxima --lisp=sbcl.
If your lisp is in a directory that is in your PATH then it will be found
automatically. Otherwise for installation use
./configure --with-clisp=/dir/to/clisp or similar.
Piet van Oostrum
URL: http://www.cs.uu.nl/~piet [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email: piet@vanoostrum.org