install on mac os x tiger

>>>>> "Richard" == fell   writes:

    Richard> I suspect that I should install some lisp first and then
    Richard> the maxima source code and follow the instructions. But,
    Richard> what lisp. And a

I believe clisp, cmucl, gcl, openmcl, and sbcl should all work on Mac
OS X Tiger.  I have personally built maxima with cmucl and clisp
(older version, though) on Tiger and it works just fine.  I think
plotting works too, if you get gnuplot.  (Might have to use the X
version; I don't remember.)  But I don't actually use maxima all that

    Richard> question out of curiosity. Once a lisp is installed, how
    Richard> does maxima know where to look for it in my directory
    Richard> tree?

When you build maxima, you can tell configure where your lisp is.  Or
just adjust PATH to include your lisp.  After that, maxima will know
where your lisp binary is when you install it.  I think.
