Fwd: clisp logon banner

Robert Dodier writes:
> To everyone else -- I also find the Clisp banner distracting,
> and in fact I was quite confused the first time I started Maxima,
> which happened to be built with Clisp. Up comes the ascii art
> banner for Clisp -- wait a minute, wasn't I trying to run
> something called Maxima ?!
> I agree entirely with the sentiments expressed by Stavros M in
> these messages,
> http://www.math.utexas.edu/pipermail/maxima/2002/002986.html
> http://www.math.utexas.edu/pipermail/maxima/2002/003014.html

I vote to remove clisp banner on the following grounds:

1. It is inconvenient to user.

2. It is distracting - it shadows main Maxima banner.

3. It is misleading (as it implemented now) - fixed text
and copyright notices doesn't conform to real clisp version
in use.

4. Clisp is advertised in standard Maxima banner.  This
is enough and this is common practice.  Have you ever
seen other software which prints long banners of software
it uses on startup?

No hostilities toward clisp.  It is great piece of free software.
Kudos to all clisp authors!
But let's be reasonable - here we are talking about Maxima ...

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov