proposal to rename mod to polymod, was: Fixing up the mod function to produce only positive results?

Robert Dodier wrote:

> Robert Dodier
> PS. I have to admit I'm really pretty confused about mod.
> mod (x^2, 2) => x^2 , although since 0^2 = 0 and 1^2 = 1
> it seems like x is a simpler equivalent ...
> I hope someone can clarify this.
mod means ...Reduce the coefficients in the polynomial modulo 2.

The modular algorithms used inside maxima  are kind of
peeking out in some of these names, I think.  There is
also a literature on p-adic expansions in which values of
polynomials modulo p, p^2, ... p^n  are computed.

p could be a prime number, but could also itself be a