proposal to rename mod to polymod, was: Fixing up the mod function to produce only positive results?
Subject: proposal to rename mod to polymod, was: Fixing up the mod function to produce only positive results?
From: Barton Willis
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 10:48:24 -0600
It's OK with me to rename nummod to mod. A web search on
'nummod' indicates that this name is unusual. The book
"Concrete Mathematics" by Graham, Knuth, and Patashnik
uses the name 'mod' (see Eq. (3.21)) for 'nummod.' Consistency with
commercial Macsyma may matter to some (but not so much to me.)
Consistency with the CL mod function might matter with some
users; I think nummod is an extension of the CL mod function.
It seems that $mod isn't called by any function in /src. Someone
else ought to verify this. I don't know about /share. Let's
not make a mess.