Subject: denominator of really complicated expression
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 21:47:29 -0800
It is quite reasonable to expect Python or some other
language processor to just break when given such a
large expression to parse.
If what you want to do is evaluate this expression
for some particular values of the variables, I suggest
you just do it in maxima. You can even convert it to
lisp and compile to machine language.
The chance that an expression so large suffers from
disasterous numerical instability is non-zero. It may
be appropriate to rearrange using horners rule, too.
What do you plan to use python for?
Ryan Krauss wrote:
> So, following Richard's advice, I am able to get my calculations to
> run without crashing and much faster than before. I have one
> additional problem though. In the end, I need to output these
> expressions to a file so that they can be read into a Python program.
> Running stringout(filename,expression) takes 5-15 minutes for each of
> my expressions (there are currently 4 of them and it takes almost an