On Tue, Nov 22, 2005 at 09:48:42PM +0100, thus spake Gilles Schintgen:
> On Tuesday 22 November 2005 21:16, Boris Gaertner wrote:
> > With that derivative, the first stage of the Maxima integration
> > algorithm would be able to answer log(tan(x)) as the integral
> > of the given problem.
> Hi, I'm new here, so maybe I don't get the point of this discussion. Maxima
> (5.9.1) _does_ answer LOG(TAN(X)).
I get
log(sin(x)) - ((log(sin^2(x) - 1))/2
both with maxima 5.9.2 and with 5.9.1 in an older machine.
Boris, I think that what the OP hinted at was not so much the fact
that maxima gives a wrong answer but that it gives an *absurd* answer.
sin^2(x)-1 is always negative or zero (for real x) and the log of a
negative or zero number does not exist (or at least is not a real
Best regards,