
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 08:32:01AM -0800, C Y wrote:
> --- Robert Dodier  wrote:
> > I submitted a request for the SF site admins to help
> > migrate the wiki data to the new database (MySQL 4).
> > However they declined. So what needs to happen is
> > that I need to figure out how to do it. I made a dump
> > file of the previous data, so I need to get a new db created
> > and load the old data into it. I'm sure that's no big deal,
> > but laziness and lack of familiarity with the procedure
> > are slowing me down. Sorry about that. Btw if you know
> > about MySQL, maybe you can help.
> Unfortunately I'm not very good with databases - I can only suggest
> this as a possibly useful resource:
> Is the database backup available anywhere for experimentation?

I believe that the shell command mysqldump produces a file that you
can read back in as easily as:

mysql database_name_here < mysqldump_file_here.sql

Daniel Lakeland