Fwd: Maxima wishlist

I wrote a paper a few years ago on dealing with graph displays
interactively (moving nodes on the screen to make them look
nicer, etc.)  There is a huge literature on this topic,
annual conferences etc.

The display was specifically for Allegro Common Lisp; I don't
have any idea of how it could be rewritten to be
lisp-dialect independent.

Mario wrote:

> El Miércoles, 23 de Noviembre de 2005 02:10, Robert Dodier escribió:
>>5) User interface.  This isn't a problem for me (I switch between
>>maxima, xmaxima, imaxima in emacs, maxima in TeXmacs), but it could be
>>a problem for teaching.  One nice modern-sh interface would be nice.
> maxima in text mode is my choice, both here at home and in the classroom; 
> there are not any buttons, menus with lots of options, forms, etc distracting 
> them.