Fwd: Maxima wishlist

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> 1) Good number theory package.  Since Maxima uses arbitrary precision
> arithmetic, this should be accompanied by a good computational number
> theory package: modular powers, inverses, extended euclidean
> algorithm, chinese remainder theorem, factorization (using all the
> best methods, up to and including the number field sieve), discrete
> logarithms, modular square and nth roots, primitive roots.


some functions are already available.

Maxima functions EZGCD, GCD, GCDEX, FACTOR, ....

And there is a new package ifactor.lisp from Andrej Vodopivec in cvs in share/contrib 
which contains factorizing, primality testing at Maxima level and modular expt at Lisp 
level. It will be updated in the next days. 
I am interested in doing some work in this field. If you have algorithms, that should be 
implemented, send me a copy.

I would like to add one thing to the wishlist:
The functions in src on Lisp level should be commented and documented. This would be 
useful for developing Maxima. 

Volker van Nek

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> 1) Good number theory package.  Since Maxima uses arbitrary precision
> arithmetic, this should be accompanied by a good computational number
> theory package: modular powers, inverses, extended euclidean
> algorithm, chinese remainder theorem, factorization (using all the
> best methods, up to and including the number field sieve), discrete
> logarithms, modular square and nth roots, primitive roots.


some functions are already available.

Maxima functions EZGCD, GCD, GCDEX, FACTOR, ....

And there is a new package ifactor.lisp from Andrej Vodopivec in cvs in share/contrib which contains factorizing, primality testing at Maxima level and modular expt at Lisp level. It will be updated in the next days.
I am interested in doing some work in this field. If you have algorithms, that should be implemented, send me a copy.

I would like to add one thing to the wishlist:
The functions in src on Lisp level should be commented and documented. This would be useful for developing Maxima.

Volker van Nek