On Fri, Nov 25, 2005 at 10:45:23AM -0700, Robert Jerrard wrote:
> Thanks Volker and Robert, it turns out that the installation on that
> machine was not complete. Apparently Debian splits Maxima into a maxima
> package and a maxima-share package so a fair bit was missing.
As a rule of thumb, everytime you install a package in Debian you should
look at the fields "Recommends" ans "Suggests" (dpkg -s package). In the
case o Maxima:
Recommends: maxima-share, gv
Suggests: texmacs, maxima-doc, wish
and even then there are some other maxima-related packages that you
might want to install:
xmaxima, maxima-src, maxima-test
P.S. Debian "sid" is not the stable version. It is the unstable one.