export tex format

hello daniel,

> tex(f,"f\:\\MATH\\maxima\\totomax\.tex"); give good result : the file
> totomax.tex exist with the good tex lines
> myfile:\"f\:\\MATH\\maxima\\totomax\.tex\";
> or myfile:\"f\\\:\\\\MATH\\\\maxima\\\\totomax\\\.tex\";
> and
> tex(f,myfile);
> give result false in the command line of maxima, but the file does not
> exist of the harddisk !

tex is quoting (i.e., not evaluating) the file name.
so tex writes a file literally named "myfile".

try this:

  tex (expr, ''myfile);

or this:

  apply (tex, [expr, myfile]);

in both cases, the variable myfile is evaluated (yielding the file name).

note: '' in the first example is two single-quote characters.

hope this helps,
robert dodier