hi there,
I take this opportunity to ask you if there is a work in progress to
include a latex export as well.
Few weeks ago, I went in the code of the current Tex lisp file to have a
look, and while I am absolutly not a lisp programmer, that seemed me ok
to start from this file to write a latex exporter. Actually, I find the
latex syntax is more attractive and widely used. The proprietary CAS
maple handles latex export as well. So if there is in this area a good
lisp programmer, I can try to write a short document about how to
convert tex syntax into latex syntax, in the form for exemple of :
{{a} \over {b}} ---------------> \frac{a}{b}
and so on ...
What I would like to avoid is to add a layer using regexp. A plain latex
implementation would be cleaner, but I do not have the lisp skills for
that :)
Daniel Malik wrote:
> the command :
> tex(f,"f\:\\MATH\\maxima\\totomax\.tex"); give good result : the file
> totomax.tex exist with the good tex lines
> myfile:\"f\:\\MATH\\maxima\\totomax\.tex\";
> or myfile:\"f\\\:\\\\MATH\\\\maxima\\\\totomax\\\.tex\";
> and
> tex(f,myfile);
> give result false in the command line of maxima, but the file does not
> exist of the harddisk !
> I run with Windows XP !
> Thank's for help
> Daniel
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