>>>>> "Raymond" == Raymond Toy writes:
Raymond> rtest1.mac fails during translation because it doesn't know how to
Raymond> translate
Raymond> t[0](x):=1;
On further investigation, the translation is totally messed up for
If you're not interested, stop here; this is just a public record of
what I've found in case someone looks at this later.
The test in rtest1.mac is:
In the interpreter, the first expression creates the variable $t, with
a value of NIL. The symbol-plist of $t is:
((MTIMES) 2 $X ((MQAPPLY) (($T ARRAY) ((MPLUS) $N ((MMINUS) 1))) $X))
((MMINUS) ((MQAPPLY) (($T ARRAY) ((MPLUS) $N ((MMINUS) 2))) $X))))))
HASHAR G2213))
So the thing after aexpr is the ratexpand expression. This also tells
us that $t is a hashed array (hashar). The symbol g2213 (really an
uninterned gensym) contains additional information about the array.
The symbol-plist for g2213 is:
This tells us it's an array; I think the 4 means there are currently
room for 4 entries (the NILs above); the the 0 means there are
currently no entries, and the 1 means we have a 1D array.
After entering t[0](x):=1; g2213 becomes:
(ARRAY #(4 1 1 (((0) (LAMBDA) ((MLIST) $X) 1)) NIL NIL NIL))
So, we now have 1 entry, and the first entry contains a function of 1
arg, returning 1.
After entering t[0](x):=x, we get
#(4 2 1 (((0) (LAMBDA) ((MLIST) $X) 1)) (((1) (LAMBDA) ((MLIST) $X) $X)) NIL
so the second entry is a function returning x. As we evaluate
t[2](x), t[3](x), g2213 gets filled with the various values that
maxima has computed.
The translation produces something totally different. First there are
a few bugs where the code thinks you can funcall g2213. The general
expression is on the plist of the symbol, but with the wrong
indicator. The translator gets confused t[0](x) because 0 is not a
symbol. Even if you work around these, t[0](x) isn't placed in the
symbol-plist for g2213.
This is a major mess. Even in the interpreted code, the hashed array
implementation seems overly complex. Perhaps we should consider a
redesign and reimplementation of hashed arrays. Someday.