On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 12:04:04PM -0500, Ed Symanzik wrote:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxima says "the underlying Lisp can be
> called from Maxima." Would someone please point me to documentation, a
> tutorial, or example of this?
Your subject says one thing and the body says another, so I'm not sure
exactly which you want, but here is an example that I used recently of
how to call a lisp function from maxima.
the sleep call was necessary to give the script time to start up, but
maxima doesn't have a sleep function, so I called the lisp one
directly by prepending a question mark. (it's an ugly hack but it worked)
now, as for calling maxima from lisp, this I've never tried to do but
I'm sure it can be done.
the docs are at:
and they say mfuncall is the thing to use.
Daniel Lakeland