Subject: Wiki - was Re: [Maxima] Interpolation function
From: Glenn Ramsey
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 09:30:59 +1300
Daniel Lakeland wrote:
> Woohoo,
> Another fantastic bit of stuff that desperately needs to go into a
> howto book. I think we need to convince OReilly or someone that a
> Maxima book would be worthwhile and that they should fund it.
> Thanks for the tip.
> Dan
Would it be appropriate to put this sort of stuff in the wiki?
If that is appropriate then it might also be appropriate to suggest that
as a matter of etiquette that the person asking the question includes it
and the answer in the wiki.
Also if the wiki had a section that was structured like the book then
potentially everyone could help complete it, and presuambly at some
point a snapshot could be taken and put into book form.
Glenn Ramsey 07 8627077