FW: R. H. Rand's permission: german translation of your "introduction to maxima"[Scanned]
Subject: FW: R. H. Rand's permission: german translation of your "introduction to maxima"[Scanned]
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 20:52:58 -0700
hello robert,
> If people provide additional/better examples or give me notice of typos,
> I will add/correct them - otherwise I am done with this for the next time.
terrific, i have copied ,
which i guess is the latest version, to the maxima web site
and put a link on the docs page http://maxima.sf.net/docs.shtml .
if you make a new version let me know and i will update the web site.
in the last year or so there has been a lot of work on
documentation in various languages, and i think that is
really exciting. many thanks to robert and all other
authors and translators.
robert dodier