Re: proposal to bring ifactor into src/, was: Factoring large integers
Subject: Re: proposal to bring ifactor into src/, was: Factoring large integers
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2006 23:05:37 -0700
On 2/2/06, Andrej Vodopivec <andrej.vodopivec at> wrote:
> maxima uses cfactor function in rat3c.lisp to factor integers. If we
> want all functions which need integer factorization to benifit from
> ifactor, we should redefine cfactor so that it uses ifactor package.
> This changes primep to become probabilistic primality test - so we
> should also replace primep with primep_pr. Some documentation would
> need to be updated. Do we want this changes in the next release?
Well, I don't think so -- it seems like a fairly big change and
I think we can take our time about it. ifactor, etc, will be
available in the share directory, in any case.
So I am inclined to target 5.9.4.
But if the work is easy, and you complete it before the 5.9.3
branch is tagged, well, I certainly wouldn't cut it out.
Robert Dodier