memory allocation problem with maxima

I have been experiencing an error with Maxima version 5.9.2 (development version), which I run on a Windows XP pro SP1 w/ AMD athlon64 3000+ processor.
The commands which can trigger it are the following:

H1: abs(s1)+l*(a**2+b**2+c**2-1);

The error message I get is the following:

Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

 Error in PROGN [or a callee]: The storage for CONS is exhausted.
Currently, 92537 pages are allocated.
Use ALLOCATE to expand the space.

Automatically continuing.
To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

I think it's related to maxima memory allocation and not to memory allocation in a Windows o.s.
When the error happens, the task manager gives the following info:

438 Mb of mem used by maxima.exe
622 Mb of total used memory

The physical memory is about 780 Mb, the paging file has constant dimesion and is 1152 Mb.

I already noticed that this is not o.s.-dependant (trying to add Win SP2 had no effect, win 2000 still gives the same error) nor depends on maxima versions (maxima 5.9.0 (for windows) gives the same output).

Can anybody give hints? Besides, 1 page = approximately 5 kB, right? I'm sorry I'm quite new to this program...thank you for your attention.

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