Maxima 5.9.3 release schedule

Mario Rodriguez writes:

> Maxima
> Using Lisp CMU Common Lisp CVS release-19a 19a-release-20040728 +

Ah!  Now I see the problem.
You are running cmucl under UTF-8 locale.
But cmucl (and gcl) is not Unicode aware.
And this make difference.  At the moment
this combination doesn't work out of the box.
I'll try to fix the problem if it is possible.
For time being you can ether use
ISO-8859-1 locale with cmucl and gcl

LANG=es_ES ./maxima -l cmucl
LANG=es_ES ./maxima -l gcl

(it should work well) or build Maxima
with Unicode enabled lisps such as
clisp or sbcl (recent releases of sbcl).

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov

       <vvzhy at>
      <vvzhy at>