Maxima 5.9.3 release schedule

You've got it Vadim !!

Thanks a lot. I have rebuilt with clisp and I see the special characters
without any problems.

I had also access to the Spanish documentation with cmucl by calling
LANG=es_ES maxima

but I couldn't see the special characters.

Now I'll try to write the translation of the share info files.

Definitely, I'll drink a glass of wine 'a la votre chante'.

Best wishes.

> Ah!  Now I see the problem.
> You are running cmucl under UTF-8 locale.
> But cmucl (and gcl) is not Unicode aware.
> And this make difference.  At the moment
> this combination doesn't work out of the box.
> I'll try to fix the problem if it is possible.
> For time being you can ether use
> ISO-8859-1 locale with cmucl and gcl
> LANG=es_ES ./maxima -l cmucl
> LANG=es_ES ./maxima -l gcl
> (it should work well) or build Maxima
> with Unicode enabled lisps such as
> clisp or sbcl (recent releases of sbcl).
Mario Rodriguez Riotorto