Subject: Re: How to make and apply rules dynamically?
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 16:21:24 -0700
On 2/6/06, dp2 at <dp2 at> wrote:
> I am trying make rules in the program dynamically from a pre-defined list
> and applying all the rules one by one to the input expression.
> e.g. I have predefined list: [x(I,L) = r(L), x(I, L)*x(J, K)) = r(L)*d(L,
> K),.....]
> Now when there is an input expression like
> sum(x(t,u)*y(t),t,1,n)*sum(x(e,f)*x(g,h)*z(h),h,1,n); I need to first
> search from the predefined list what to apply on the expression and then
> make rules accordingly from them and then at the end apply all the rules
> made.
> I have been able to figure out what rule to apply from the list. I now
> know how to apply rule on the expression. But for handling dynamic thingie
> I have following problems:
> 1) How to define rule names dynamically.
> 2) How to apply rules using apply1 passing it the LIST of rules. Since we
> don't know how many rules will be there. Should I use the loop to do that?
OK, here are some answers to the questions which you've asked.
(1) the concat function returns a symbol by smashing together
its arguments. maybe s.t. like concat ('myrule, k); where k is an integer.
or, heck, just call ?gensym(); which returns a random symbol name.
(2) apply (function_name, argument_list); calls function_name after
evaluating argument_list. so you can write apply (apply1, cons (expr,
to get the effect of apply1 (expr, rule_list[1], ..., rule_list[n]);
but i still wonder what you're trying to do.
in particular i wonder why you're choosing rules from a list.
if you call apply1 (expr, rule1, rule2, rule3); and some of the rules
don't match expr, they are ignored and have no effect.
robert dodier