bug report, or am I doing something wrong?

> Her paper uses \uparrow and
> \downarrow, but this can be translated into CAS syntax as follows.
> a^b as ususal.
> a_b will be log_a(b).

So... is anyone actually using this convention?  I haven't seen it.

But it brings up another issue, which is that Unicode has a very rich
collection of operator symbols which it would be nice to be able to use.  I
don't know what the current situation is on Unicode support in our Lisps.
Actually, the Unicode support doesn't even need to be very "deep", just
something done in the front ends. After all, UTF-8 looks just like any other
sequence of 8-bit codes, and only i/O and string operations care.  I would
be happy even if string operations were ignorant of Unicode.

Any news on that front?  (Of course, there is then the problem of input
methods, and teaching Displa about these characters...)
