on 2/18/06 12:00 AM, Yasuaki Honda at yhonda at mac.com wrote:
>> Getting clisp-2.38 to install and make check successfully on my Mac
>> required
>> a patch for the clisp routine socket.d (or alternatively,
>> stream.d). The
>> clisp mail list folks have a handle on that, and they did assist me.
> In my case, I saw some errors regarding socket.d when compiling
> clisp-2.38
> from tarball, however, the compilation went to final and I was able
> to install
> it successfully. I tested CVS maxima against the clisp-2.38
> installation and
> I found it works fine.
My guess is that maxima does not use the part of clisp that fails the socket
test. I was tempted to just install clisp with errors and see what happened,
but I got a quick response from the clisp mail list, so I tried their patch.
They are looking for someone to test the patch on OS X 10.4.
>> I notice that I now have gnuplot/AquaTerm plotting with maxima. Is
>> gnuplot
>> now the default for maxima? It's OK for 99% of plots, but AquaTerm
>> doesn't
>> allow mouse rotations of 3d graphics, and all I see is wire frames.
>> If there
>> is a better way, please point me in the correct direction.
> You are right. AquaTerm does not allow me to rotate things when I use
> plot3d() to draw 3d graphs. The only way so far for me is to use Tcl/Tk
> based GUI for 3d graphics. Try:
> plot3d(x^2-y^2,[x,-5,5],[y,-5,5],[plot_format,openmath]);
> and you will see Wish to start and 3d graphics will be drawn on a
> Wish window.
> You can rotate the 3d graphics as you expected in this window.
> Yasuaki Honda
> Chiba, Japan
Thanks for the suggestions. I tried all four plot options (gnuplot,
mgnuplot, openmath, and geomview) and found that they all work on my Mac. It
was only a matter of reading the manual to find the new options, and how to
set them. I found that you can also rotate the 3d figures in mgnuplot mode,
but you can't use the gnuplot pm3d coloring. You can use the pm3d coloring
in gnuplot mode, however. Overall, there is a great improvement in graphics
over my previous maxima-5.9.0. Thanks to the developers for taking the time
to improve the code.