Plz suggest

Hi Richard,

I found kdelta and kdels in the tensor package. Can you tell me how can I
use the properties of kdelta like:

Thanks & Regards
> Dileep:
> You have posted what appears to be the same question about 4 times,
> about how to use defrule to solve a problem for which it is not suited.
> As you repeat the question, you have not changed it,
> in spite of having received several suggestions to use a different
> approach.
> I wrote the defrule system in my PhD research. I am advising you
> not to use it. I suggested that you look at tensor manipulation and the
> Einstein summation convention.   Robert Dodier made what
> seems to be a useful suggestion.
> Encoding your problem as sum(g(i,j)*d(j,k)  etc.  IS A BAD IDEA.
> I suggest encoding it as something like
> DileepForm([[d,i,j],[g,i,j]......],  /* the product */
> [[j,1,n], [k, 1,m] ....]]   /* the index sets*/
> Manipulate DileepForms, their products, sums, etc.
> If you really really need sum, then at the VERY END, convert
> DileepForm to Sums.
> And don't use defrule on products a*b*c ....*z   or a+b+....+z.
> There is a message about "partitioning sums"   that is intended to
> signal you:  YOU ARE LIKELY TO LOSE.
> Good luck,