Subject: 5.9.3 branch tagged in cvs; known problems
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 23:40:02 -0700
I have tagged a 5.9.3 release branch in cvs.
cvs update -r RELEASE-5_9_3-BRANCH
gets the branch.
I'll make a release candidate when we have some resolution about
the trigonometric bugs (item 3).
Commit policy.
Please commit bug fixes for known problems and
portability patches for GCL, Clisp, CMUCL, SBCL, and OpenMCL to the branch.
(However, the release will only be delayed for problems with
GCL, Clisp, CMUCL, or SBCL.)
Everything else, please commit to the main trunk.
Status of known problems.
(1) Internationalization.
It appears that the documentation build process yields appropriate
results on Linux and Windows platforms.
However this is very recent work so I wouldn't be surprised
if problems are identified.
For the purpose of preparing the 5.9.3 release, edits to the content
of the documentation are not bug fixes. Please commit such edits
to the main trunk.
(2) Linear algebra.
Current version of share/linearalgebra passes its own test suite.
(3) Trigonometric functions.
Currently rtest_trig.mac reports some failed tests for GCL, Clisp, and SBCL
(I didn't try CMUCL). I'll write a separate message about that.
(4) OpenMCL port.
For the record, replacing defsystem is not an option at this time.
Small patches to the source code are OK.
Thanks to all the developers for the tremendous work since 5.9.2.
I'm really excited about getting 5.9.3 out the door and in front of users.
Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier