Plans for merging share info into Maxima's manual

Hello all,

These are the steps I plan to make:

* Remove all texis in the share subdirectories.
* Remove all in the share subdirectories, but
share/ remains there.
* In share/, remove references to all *.texi
* In, remove references to makefiles in the share
* Make changes in doc/info/, doc/info/maxima.texi and
* Create the necessary texi files in doc/info/
* No changes in doc/info/es at the moment.
* No changes in doc/info/pt at the moment.

With all these changes, Maxima builds without problems with clisp and
cmucl. The only problem I found is that when building for Spanish, the
describe function has no access to the English share info (share texis
are not yet translated). In any case, these files will be translated
before 5.9.4, so it is not a big problem. What about Portuguese, Jorge?

If there are not any complains, I'll commit (main branch) the changes in
the next days.

Mario Rodriguez Riotorto