This is an example:
To use tlimit or taylor properly you must put taylor inside!
Look to this examples:
(%i34) sin(sin(sin(sin(sin(sin(sin(taylor (sin(x^3)^5,x,0,20))))))));
Evaluation took 0.00 seconds (0.00 elapsed)
(%o34) x^15+...
(%i33) tlimit(sin(sin(sin(taylor(x,x,0,1)^5)^3))/x^15,x,0);
Evaluation took 0.00 seconds (0.00 elapsed)
(%o33) 1
Thanks to R. Fateman for this information. To summ up my recent posts:
Limit and tlimit doesn't need batteries, they need less tricky code or more
documentation on these tricks.
This is to avoid working to improve the system, in this case nothing need to be
Please, make a book of maxima tricks like these, or better
don't make tricks like theses.