in commercial macsyma
After setting intanalysis:false,
and saying that k is an integer and positive,
I got these answers...
[(( - ((sqrt(3) * %i)/2) - (1/2)) * 2^((2 * %i + 4)/3) * G(((2 * %i +
((2 * 2^(1/3) * (((sqrt(3) * %i)/2) - (1/2)) * G((1/3)))/9),
((2 * %i)/3),
integrate(((x^k * log(x))/(x + 3)),x,0,inf)]
Raymond Toy wrote:
>Could someone with macsyma/mma/maple evaluate the following integrals
>for me? I'm verifying some of the defint routines and I'd like some
>independent verification of these integrals.
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