on 3/30/06 12:38 PM, Robert Dodier at robert.dodier at gmail.com wrote:
> brandon,
>> Does anybody else have the problem of gnuplot being unable to embed graphics
>> into maxima? I have the preference set to embed but it always opens a
>> separate window (on Linux and Windows). Any way to make it actually embed
>> graphics into the worksheet?
> i'm pretty sure embedded graphics works only when plot_format is openmath.
> i guess the documentation should be clearer on this point ...
>> Also, gnuplot 4.0 for Windows allows me to change the camera view of a 3d
>> plot, but gnuplot 4.0 for Linux doesn't. Is there something I'm missing or
>> does the windows version just better?
> if i recall correctly, on linux a viewer program is launched which runs as
> a separate process, and the viewer cannot do all the things that gnuplot
> itself can do. i don't know why things are arranged like that.
> try running gnuplot separately, and at the gnuplot prompt, enter load
> "maxout.gnuplot" .
> (maxout.gnuplot is written your home directory by default, i believe.
> if not, it might be in /tmp or something like that.)
> then i think you'll be able to use the mouse to change the view angle.
> hth,
> robert dodier
On my Macintosh system, there are three plot options, and they all work:
openmath, gnuplot and mgnuplot. For 3d surface manipulation, mgnuplot allows
for surface view movement via a separate interactive window. Check the
manual for more details. It may be different on Windows.