Re: Special variables!

Camm Maguire <camm at> writes:

> BTW, down to 2 issues with maxima and 2.7.0.  Anyone know the
> (apparently result sorting) routine that is responsible for the last
> two?
> Take care,

The issue here is the following from algsys.lisp:

(defun condensesolnl (tempsolnl)
  (let (solnl)
    (mapl #'(lambda (q) (or (subsetl (cdr q) (car q))
			    (setq solnl (cons (car q) solnl))))
	  (sort tempsolnl (function (lambda (a b) (> (length a)
						     (length b))))))

I think you need stable-sort here.  GCL has a sort inliner which
avoids the pathological qsort behavior on previously sorted lists with
a little equal item reshuffling.

Take care,

> ********************** Problem 70 ***************
> Input:
> block([fpprec : 35], ev(ans, x : 1, bfloat) - ev(ans, x : 0, bfloat))
> Result:
> 4.5994649519620995822199830432826167B-1
> This differed from the expected result:
> 5.779160182042402B-1
> 93/94 tests passed.
> The following 1 problem failed: (70)
> Running tests in rtest8.mac: 
> ********************** Problem 20 ***************
> Input:
> algsys([f1, f2], [x, y])
> Result:
> 	 1	        1	      1	       1
> [[x = -------, y = - -------], [x = - -, y = - -], 
>       sqrt(3)	     sqrt(3)	      3	       3
> 					    1		 1
> 				  [x = - -------, y = -------], [x = 1, y = 1]]
> 					 sqrt(3)      sqrt(3)
> This differed from the expected result:
> 	- 1	      1		     1		 - 1	      - 1      - 1
> [[x = -------, y = -------], [x = -------, y = -------], [x = ---, y = ---], 
>       sqrt(3)	   sqrt(3)	  sqrt(3)      sqrt(3)	       3        3
> 								[x = 1, y = 1]]
> ********************** Problem 24 ***************
> Input:
> solve(%, [x, y])
> Result:
> [[x = 2, y = 2], [x = - 1.733751846381093, y = - 0.15356757100196963], 
> [x = - 0.52025943886520076 %i - 0.13312403573587062, 
> y = 3.6080032218702871 %i + 0.076783785237877766], 
> [x = 0.52025943886520076 %i - 0.13312403573587062, 
> y = 0.076783785237877766 - 3.6080032218702871 %i]]
> This differed from the expected result:
> [[x = 2, y = 2], [x = 0.52025943886520076 %i - 0.13312403573587059, 
> y = 0.076783785237877766 - 3.6080032218702871 %i], 
> [x = - 0.13312403573587059 - 0.52025943886520076 %i, 
> y = 0.076783785237877766 + 3.6080032218702871 %i], 
> [x = - 1.733751846381093, y = - 0.1535675710019696]]
> 48/50 tests passed.
> > Ray
> > 
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> -- 
> Camm Maguire			     			camm at
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Camm Maguire			     			camm at
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah