problem building under windows

I've not been able to build CVS Maxima under Windows XP for awhile; my 
remedies (make clean, /bootstrap and ./config) have not yet worked.  Does 
anybody else have this problem?  Any suggestions on what to try next?

$ make
Making all in src
make[1]: Entering directory `/c/maximacvs/maxima/src'
test -d binary-gcl || mkdir binary-gcl
test -d binary-gcl/numerical || mkdir binary-gcl/numerical
test -d binary-gcl/numerical/slatec || mkdir binary-gcl/numerical/slatec
gcl -batch -eval '(progn (load "../lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp") 
(compiler::emit-fn t) (funcall (intern (symbol-name :operate-on-system) 
:mk) "maxima" :compile :verbose t) (compiler::make-all-proclaims "*/*.fn" 
"*/*/*/*.fn"))' && \
gcl -batch -eval '(progn (load "../lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp") (funcall 
(intern (symbol-name :operate-on-system) :mk) "maxima" :load :verbose t) 
(when (fboundp (quote si::sgc-on))(si::sgc-on t)) (si:save-system 

Error in SYSTEM:TOP-LEVEL [or a callee]: Unexpected end of #<string-input 
stream from "(progn (load ".....">.
