Hi Barton.
> I've not been able to build CVS Maxima under Windows XP for
> awhile; my usual remedies (make clean, /bootstrap and
> ./config) have not yet worked. Does anybody else have this
> problem? Any suggestions on what to try next?
I have a vague idea I've seen this before but have not used CVS maxima
for a while and can't get at it from where I am to check (nor for a good
week ahead either).
First check whether Maxima's defsystem.lisp has been altered and if so
whether GCL / Windows changes have been backported.
Also check, if you are using GCL 2.6.x, that you are also using gcc
version 3.3.1 and binutils 2.14.90 (2.16.x is probably OK but not
Mike Thomas.