Subject: Maxima i18N and I10N, especially in French
From: Nicolas Pettiaux
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 17:47:26 +0200
2006/4/13, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at>:
> Hello Nicolas,
> About documentation in French, there is quite a bit at
> the web site of Michel Gosse, ; see
> .
I have already contacted Michel Gosse yesterday (no answer yet) to
coordinate with him if possible.
> However, the reference manual is from the year 2003
> and a lot has changed since then. The English version has
> changed enough that I think it would be easier to translate
> the current English version rather than attempting to update
> the existing French translation.
maybe in the absolute but I am not sure for my students ...
> > I would therefore appreciate to know what would be needed as work to
> > be done to achieve what I would like: is this "only" (I know it could
> > mean a lot of work) .po translation ? If yes, this would be great and
> > I would suggest to do it through the help of the Rosetta system in
> > and I could also participate, and have some
> > students help too.
> The reference manual is written in texinfo and the translations
> have been created by creating additional texinfo files.
> Reference manual look-up is carried out by regular expression
> searches on the processed texinfo (.info) files.
> This scheme is, I suspect, idiosyncratic to Maxima.
> I don't know much about .po files so if that could help in
> some way, please explain.
the .po files refer to the gettext system used by many free software
aplications at first but also documentation afterwards. This is a
system that allows to keep track easily of the documentation in the
different languages, and has already many tools to help with the
there is a tool po4a po4all ( that
allows to use the full set of tools it for documentation, even in tex
The platform has been set up by the people of
Canonical (who make also Ubuntu) to help get easy translations from
anyone: no need to use special tools that have to be installed, just a
browser, and this allows to split the translation work within a team.
> If you and your students want to work on an updated
> French translation, that would be tremendous.
I do not promise I can have do enough work, nor me, but at least I
want to move forward.
> Perhaps you can coordinate with Michel Gosse.
I'll do asap
> Hope this helps, and let us know where you want to go from here.
Where can I have a look at the original English documentation and
maybe the corresponding Spanish one ? So that I can have a look and
see more how I could work with that.
> Robert Dodier
Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at