Summer of Code

>>>>> "Nicolas" == Nicolas Pettiaux <nicolas.pettiaux at> writes:

    >> 5. Numerical Methods
    >> - Add more numerical methods to Maxima. Root-finding, numerical
    >> solutions of PDEs, etc... Perhaps this should involve Octave?

    Nicolas> I think using octave within maxima for what octave can easily provide
    Nicolas> is a very good point. So building a very good and simple "connection"
    Nicolas> maxima <=> octave is a very valuable objective

FWIW, I have versions of ODEPACK (initial value problem of odes, but
not all of the included methods work), MINPACK (numerical solutions
for nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems), and
HOMPACK (solves nonlinear systems of of equations using homotopy
methods).  (All translated from Fortran via f2cl.)

They basically work and pass the examples given in the packages, but I
never bothered to integrate them with maxima in any form.  I also have
FISHPACK (solution of separable elliptic partial differential
equations), but I'm not sure that works or not.
