2006/4/17, Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at ericsson.com>:
> >>>>> "Nicolas" == Nicolas Pettiaux <nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be> writes:
> >> 5. Numerical Methods
> >> - Add more numerical methods to Maxima. Root-finding, numerical
> >> solutions of PDEs, etc... Perhaps this should involve Octave?
> Nicolas> I think using octave within maxima for what octave can easily provide
> Nicolas> is a very good point. So building a very good and simple "connection"
> Nicolas> maxima <=> octave is a very valuable objective
> FWIW, I have versions of ODEPACK (initial value problem of odes, but
> not all of the included methods work), MINPACK (numerical solutions
> for nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems), and
> HOMPACK (solves nonlinear systems of of equations using homotopy
> methods). (All translated from Fortran via f2cl.)
> They basically work and pass the examples given in the packages, but I
> never bothered to integrate them with maxima in any form. I also have
> FISHPACK (solution of separable elliptic partial differential
> equations), but I'm not sure that works or not.
If they work well and could be organized into packages that could
easily integrate in maxima, this would be a very good step forward.
Would this represent much work, for example for someone like you who
knows how to proceed ?
Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be