Maxima Final Exam
Due 3 May 2006, 17:00
2142 Founders Hall
[10 pts] (1) Using defrule, write a rule 'cruchbessel' that
reduces any linear combination of Bessel functions of the form
e0 * J(p0,x) + e2 * J(p1,x) + ... + en * J(pn,x),
e0(x) * J(p0,z+y) + e1(x) * J(p1,z+y) + ... + en(x) * J(pn,z+y),
or ..., where p0 thru pn are positive integers and e0 thru en are
rational functions, to a linear combination of three or fewer
Bessel functions. In particular, 'cruchbessel' must reduce every
such linear combination of Bessel functions that vanishes on (0,infinity)
must reduce to 0.
[10 pts] Convince me that any mathematician residing in Buffalo
County Nebraska with ten or more years of experience using Maxima
should find that exercise (1) is easy.
[10 pts] Convince me that an engineering student with one semester
experience using Maxima and an ACT math subscore of 28 would find
exercise (1) easy.
No, I don't want your answers (I have enough grading to do this week),
and no, I don't want you to try to solve (1) either. I don't think that
defrule is the right tool for exercise 1 (nobody said it was). I
think Maxima should have an easy to use tool that solves question 1.
That is what I tried to propose.