applying function identities (proposal)

>>This sounds like a project worth doing, but you need to be able to grab a
>>component of an expression.  A mouse or a stylus can help, if you have the
right software.

Sorta like what I've been doing?

I've been following this discussion with some interest because
applying rules is one of the "big problems"  I haven't solved yet.

I can also say from personal experience that interface issues are
tricky.  The coloring references to expressions sounds like the
easiest thing to add to the regular Maxima interface.

On 5/2/06, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:
> Maxima Final Exam
> Due 3 May 2006, 17:00
> 2142 Founders Hall
> [10 pts] (1) Using defrule, write a rule 'cruchbessel' that
> reduces any linear combination of Bessel functions of the form
>     e0 * J(p0,x) + e2 * J(p1,x) + ... + en * J(pn,x),
> or
>    e0(x) * J(p0,z+y) + e1(x) * J(p1,z+y) + ... + en(x) * J(pn,z+y),
> or ..., where p0 thru pn are positive integers and e0 thru en are
> rational functions, to a linear combination of three or fewer
> Bessel functions. In particular, 'cruchbessel' must reduce every
> such linear combination of Bessel functions that vanishes on (0,infinity)
> must reduce to 0.
> [10 pts] Convince me that any mathematician residing in Buffalo
> County Nebraska with ten or more years of experience using Maxima
> should find that exercise (1) is easy.
> [10 pts] Convince me that an engineering student with one semester
> experience using Maxima and an ACT math subscore of 28 would find
> exercise (1) easy.
> No, I don't want your answers (I have enough grading to do this week),
> and no, I don't want you to try to solve (1) either. I don't think that
> defrule is the right tool for exercise 1 (nobody said it was). I
> think Maxima should have an easy to use tool that solves question 1.
> That is what I tried to propose.
> Barton
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