big float arithmetic & mgrp, also Interval Arithmetic project
Subject: big float arithmetic & mgrp, also Interval Arithmetic project
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 08:48:31 -0400
>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:
Robert> With appropriate macros (to expand that into matchdeclare
Robert> and tellsimp or tellsimpafter) and function definitions,
Robert> this yields stuff like
Robert> (interval (a, b) + interval (5, 7))^3;
Robert> => interval ((a + 5)^3, (b + 7)^3)
What if, instead of a cube, you had a square? Then the resulting
interval would depend on the actual values of a and b and their
relationship to 5 and 7.
This is tricky stuff.