big float arithmetic & mgrp, also Interval Arithmetic project

On 5/3/06, Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at> wrote:
> >>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:
>     Robert> With appropriate macros (to expand that into matchdeclare
>     Robert> and tellsimp or tellsimpafter) and function definitions,
>     Robert> this yields stuff like
>     Robert> (interval (a, b) + interval (5, 7))^3;
>     Robert>   => interval ((a + 5)^3, (b + 7)^3)
> What if, instead of a cube, you had a square?  Then the resulting
> interval would depend on the actual values of a and b and their
> relationship to 5 and 7.

Sure. But I'm assuming that the details were worked out
long ago, and what makes this interesting to do in Maxima
is not the difficulty of implementing the formulas.
It's clear, I think, where to direct further effort -- namely
the functions add_interval_noninterval, etc. Maybe
someone wants to do that.
