Maxima web interface


Recently I decided it would be fun to write my own Web interface for  
Maxima. I know it's been done a couple of times before, but I'd like  
to write an application that takes full advantage of LaTeX rendering,  
JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest to provide a responsive, full-featured  
experience. Some features I have in mind are function menus, shortcut  
buttons to simplify/factor/numerically evaluate/etc., equation  
history, and the ability to save sessions on the server and resume  
them later.

I have the basic interface to Maxima and LaTeX rendering mostly  
complete, but one of the things I noticed on your "Design Notes" page  
was the addition of a "safe mode," something my application could  
definitely benefit from. (I try to strip out as much harmful input as  
I can, but things like asksign and the interactive evaluation of  
integrals keep tripping me up.) It's a shame that Maxima wasn't  
accepted into Google's Summer of Code, and it's a shame that I don't  
know Lisp (I was raised on ML), because I'd definitely like to see  
that implemented.

Sorry if I'm spamming the mailing list, but I just thought I'd let  
you guys know what I'm working on. I'm finishing my sophomore year at  
Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science, and you'll  
be able to play with my Web frontend at  
(it's down currently because I need to get myself a server). Feedback  
would be appreciated once things start rolling. Who knows, maybe I'll  
take up Lisp this summer and sink my teeth into the source code.

Thanks, and keep up the good work.
Matt Sarnoff