Defining a function from a derivative?

On 5/6/06, Alasdair McAndrew <amca01 at> wrote:
> Thanks very much!, both work fine.  Where could I have found about the
> single quotes syntax?  I checked the manual, and either I missed it, or saw
> it and didn't understand it, or it's not there...

Section 4.1 of the manual:

*Operator:* *"'**'"*

The '' (double single quotes) operator causes an extra evaluation to occur.
E.g., ''%i4 will re-evaluate input line %i4. ''(f(x)) means evaluate the
expression f(x) an extra time. ''f(x) (with the double single quotes applie=
to f instead of f(x)) means return the verb form of f applied to [x].
Unfortunately, the title line of this is mis-rendered (presumably by the
documentation system), but the body is correct.  Like much of the manual,
alas, it is rather obscure and not quite correct....
