Applying vector identities in Maxima


I'm trying to use the vect pacakge to apply some vector identies to an
expression. Consider


where l1 and l2 are scalar functions.

I want to apply curl(s*V) = s*curl(V) - V ~ grad(s), where s is a scalar
function and V a vector funtion to get:

  l1*curl(grad(l2)) - grad(l2) ~ grad(l1),

and then apply curl(grad(f)) = 0 to get:

  grad(l1) ~ grad(l2).

demo("vect") gave me the idea that ev(vectorsimp(expr), expandall:true)
might work, but I get:

(%i1) load("vect");
(%o1) /usr/share/maxima/5.9.2/share/vector/vect.mac

(%i2) example:curl(l1*grad(l2));
(%o2) curl(l1*grad(l2))

(%i3) ev(vectorsimp(example),expandall:true);
(%o3) curl(l1*grad(l2))

How can I go about making Maxima apply these specific vector identities?


you know its kind of tragic 
we live in the new world
but we've lost the magic
-- Battery 9 (