Hi Neilen,
> I'm trying to use the vect pacakge to apply some vector identies to an
> expression. Consider
> curl(l1*grad(l2)),
> where l1 and l2 are scalar functions.
OK, it looks like vect.mac knows only a few identities.
There are probably other problems as well; the demo
script doesn't appear to yield the expected results
(although it's hard to tell what should be expected).
Anyway, I find that the following ...
load (vect);
matchdeclare (xx, scalar_not1p, yy, nonscalarp, [aa, bb], all);
scalar_not1p (e) := e # 1 and scalarp (e);
simp : false;
tellsimpafter (curl (xx*yy), xx*(curl yy) - yy~(grad xx));
tellsimpafter ((xx * yy) ~ aa, xx * (yy ~ aa));
tellsimpafter (aa ~ (xx * yy), xx * (aa ~ yy));
simp : true;
declare (["grad", "laplacian"], nonscalar);
... equips Maxima to handle the specific problem you
mentioned. A couple of identities are represented as
simplification rules. Writing such rules is something of
an art -- let me know if you want to go into details.
Here is an example session.
(%i1) announce_rules_firing : true;
(%o1) true
(%i2) load ("./vect.mac");
By expressrule1 , express(etrue) --> express1(etrue)
(%o2) ./vect.mac
(%i3) load ("./morevect.mac");
yy xx partitions `product'
yy xx partitions `product'
yy xx partitions `product'
(%o3) ./morevect.mac
(%i4) declare ([s, t], scalar);
(%o4) done
(%i5) curl (s * grad t);
By curlrule2 , curl (s*grad t) --> s*curl grad t-(-grad s) ~ grad t
(%o5) s curl grad t - (- grad s) ~ grad t
(%i6) ''%;
By ~rule5 , (-grad s) ~ grad t --> -grad s ~ grad t
By curlrule1 , curl grad t --> 0
(%o6) grad s ~ grad t
Note that not all of the rules were applied to get %o5,
so I reevaluated it (i.e. ''%) to apply some more rules.
The global flag announce_rules_firing controls the
"By foorule, bar --> baz" debug output.
Robert Dodier