can you help me about maxima?

Dear Sir

Please can you help me to solve a problem by using wxmaxima?

The problem consiste to obtain the product of N matrix.

I have tow matrixs M1([cos(a),(- %i/n1)*sin(a)],[(-%i*n1)*sin(a),

cos(a)]) and M2([cos(b),(- %i/n2)*sin(b)],[(-%i*n2)*sin(b), cos(b)]);


I want to obtain the product of N=34 matrix costructed us folwing

M[n]:M[n-1 ].M[n-2]

The matrix product is Mp:([a11,a12],[a21,a22]), then I want to obtain

the elements of the matrix Mp





Then I want to calculate: T=(2/(A+B+C+D))^2; then plot T according to f.

So please Can you solve this problem because I must use wxmaxima to

solve this also I must have a result ugent.

Please I am bloked have you an idear to solve this problem.

I wait for your response and I thank you very much to learn my message

and I hope that you accept to help me.Best regards