>>>>> "Fabrizio" == Fabrizio Caruso <caruso at posso.dm.unipi.it> writes:
Fabrizio> Hi
Fabrizio> I get the following error message:
Fabrizio> "
Fabrizio> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
Fabrizio> Error in PROGN [or a callee]: The storage for CONS is exhausted.
Fabrizio> Currently, 19108 pages are allocated.
Fabrizio> Use ALLOCATE to expand the space.
Fabrizio> Automatically continuing.
Fabrizio> To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
Fabrizio> "
Fabrizio> It seems Maxima is not using all the memory my laptop has.
Fabrizio> How can I allocate more memory in Maxima?
I think this is a gcl question. I can't remember if gcl has a fixed
limit that can only be changed when building gcl. If so, you'll have
to build gcl for yourself. Perhaps some command line option is
Sorry, I'm not more helpful, but I seldom run gcl.