how to allocate more memory?

On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Fabrizio Caruso wrote:

> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
> Error in PROGN [or a callee]: The storage for CONS is exhausted.
> Currently, 19108 pages are allocated.
> Use ALLOCATE to expand the space.
> Automatically continuing.
> To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

Further to earlier answers, I've been getting the same error message,
trying to solve systems of ten or eleven (polynomial) simultaneous
equations.  I've found:

Running Maxima under gcl ("maxima -l gcl" on the command line,) as gcl
is provided by Fedora, makes available about 128MB.

Running Maxima under clisp ("maxima -l clisp" on the command line)
makes available about 500MB (this still wasn't enough for me, and
failed with a segfault, instead of the explanatory error message.)

Running Maxima under sbcl (you get the idea about the command line)
makes available about the same amount, or maybe a little more, of
memory as clisp (again, not enough for me, but sbcl gave an
explanatory error message.)

Recompiling gcl with a higher value of the enable-maxpage option, then
recompiling Maxima to match (I'm not sure if the last bit's necessary)
can make available over 800MB (I don't know if this is enough for me
yet, the calculation's still running.)

But it occurs to me that we might both be taking the wrong approach by
trying to grab more memory for our calculations.  So: does anyone have
any top tips for making Maxima batch scripts memory-efficient, please?



Dan Hatton
