managing graphs

Am 7 Jun 2006 um 20:49 hat Palmira Ronchi geschrieben:

Hello Palmira,
being a Windows user like you are, I would like to add two more suggestions to this subject. 

If you need plots in various graphic formats you can achieve this in two different ways:

1. Use gnuplot.exe directly. You find it in the folder Maxima-5.9.3\bin. You also find there 
the gnuplot help file. gnuplot offers a lot of terminals/graphic formats: postscript, png, latex 
and more. For information search in the gnuplot help for the preamble 'set terminal'. If you 
need a png file for example, the gnuplot commands could look like this.

set terminal png
set output 'myfile.png'
plot [x=0:2*pi] sin(x)

2. Use Maxima or gnuplot and plot in the default window. Copy the plot to clipboard. 
(Rightclick on the icon in the upper left corner -> Options -> Copy to Clipboard)
Paste the clipboard graphic into IrfanView (nice freeware) or your favourite software for 
graphics and save the picture to a file. IrfanView for example offers a lot of file formats: jpg 
in various qualities, png, gif, tif, a lot more.


> This belowis my first message that I sent with another email address (out of the mailing list) and 
> so it only now has obtained the permission from the administrator.
> I thank all the people that have already sent me their suggestions and help to solve my trouble.
> Palmira 
>     ----- Original Message ----- 
>     From: vivanteb 
>     To: Maxima at 
>     Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2006 1:17 AM
>     Subject: managing graphs
>     1. How do I get a graph in Maxima Console and not in a separate graphical window?
>     This line below to graph in a separate graphical window (%i1) plot2d (sin(x), [x, 0, 
>     2*%pi]);
>     The manual says: gnuplot_term - Sets the output terminal type for gnuplot. 
> oDefault value: default - Gnuplot output is displayed in a separate 
>     graphical window. 
> oValue: dumb - Gnuplot output is displayed in the Maxima console by an 
>     "ASCII art" approximation to graphics. 
>     but this line (%i1) plot2d (sin(x), [x, 0, 2*%pi], [gnuplot_term, dumb ]); 
>     don't produce any result.
>     2. After this (%i1) plot2d (sin(x), [x, 0, 2*%pi], [gnuplot_term, ps], [gnuplot_out_file, 
>     "sin.eps"]); With whom software can I trasform the eps file in jpeg o gif file?
>     Thank you in advance.
>     Anne 