> 2. Use Maxima or gnuplot and plot in the default window. Copy the plot to clipboard.
> (Rightclick on the icon in the upper left corner -> Options -> Copy to Clipboard)
> Paste the clipboard graphic into IrfanView (nice freeware) or your favourite software for
> graphics and save the picture to a file. IrfanView for example offers a lot of file formats: jpg
> in various qualities, png, gif, tif, a lot more.
Hello, Volker, Palmira and Roman:
The following also works, as Roman suggested some days ago:
1. In Maxima, type:
plot2d(sin(x), [x, 0, 2*%pi],
[gnuplot_preamble, "set terminal png;set out 'myplot.png'"])$
2. Now, you can't access myplot.png because wgnuplot is locking it; so
you can ctrl+alt+del and kill the wgnuplot process.
3. After that, you can continue working with your Maxima session and
open myplot.png directly.
But we don't like this horrendous solution, do we?
The problem here is that in windows, gnuplot is still active after
making the myplot.png file. I suppose this is an intended behavior,
since you can move interactively 3d scenes, which is a nice feature.
Plots in the descriptive package don't have this problem, if you write
(in windows):
(%i1) load(descriptive)$
(%i2) histogram(makelist(gauss(0,1),i,1,200),outputdev="png")$
you'll get the file in png format without any problems.
Maybe, a possible solution is to have a global variable, say
kill_gnuplot: if true, gnuplot is killed after executing its task, and
not killed otherwise.
I'm not familiar with plot.lisp and a question comes to my mind here:
would such a thing work in linux?
Best wishes
Mario Rodriguez Riotorto