operator for equations, was: Re: [Maxima] Plot options foo=bar vs [foo, bar]

Hi Volker,

There are two topics which are confounded by
plot2d(f(x), x=a:b, plot_format=openmath) .
Let me try to untangle them.

(1) How should we indicate bindings for option flags?
    [foo, bar] or foo=bar or ??

(2) How should we indicate a plotting range?
    [x, a, b] or x=interval(a, b) or ??

Thus far in this thread we haven't discussed (2).
Since the plotting range is not a simple assignment,
maybe it should be x in interval(a, b) or x element_of interval(a, b)
or something else more precise than x=interval(a, b) .

> The meaning of x=a..b is far from beeing an equation.

You'll have to help me understand what you're getting at here.
"Far from being an equation" suggests topic (2) but elsewhere
you suggest : is OK in place of = , and : doesn't address (2).
So maybe topic (1) ?

Let me ask you this -- are you also opposed to
plot2d (..., plot_format=openmath) ?

> My students (15 - 20 years old) don't have any problems
> with plot2d( f(x), [x,a,b], [gnuplot_preamble,"set xyz"] ) or
> integrate(f(x),x,a,b). This is easy to understand.

Well, a person can become accustomed to almost anything ...

All the best,